Icons are the symbolic representation of an action or information, providing visual context and improving usability.

See the Iconography and SVG guidelines to explore the full icon library.


Component props

Label for screen readers to announce Icon.

See the Accessibility guidelines for details on proper usage.

"blue" | "darkGray" | "eggplant" | "gray" | "green" | "lightGray" | "maroon" | "midnight" | "navy" | "olive" | "orange" | "orchid" | "pine" | "purple" | "red" | "watermelon" | "white"

These are all the colors available to apply to the Icon; however, we advise only using primary colors within the product to ensure consistency and accessible color contrast.

See the primary-color combinations variant to learn more.

{| __path: string |}

Defines a new icon different from the built-in Gestalt icons.

See the custom icon variant to learn more.

"ad" | "ad-group" | "add" | "add-circle" | "add-layout" | "add-pin" | "ads-stats" | "ads-overview" | "alert" | "align-bottom-center" | "align-bottom-left" | "align-bottom-right" | "align-bottom" | "align-middle" | "align-top-center" | "align-top-left" | "align-top-right" | "align-top" | "android-share" | "angled-pin" | "apps" | "arrow-back" | "arrow-circle-down" | "arrow-circle-forward" | "arrow-circle-up" | "arrow-down" | "arrow-end" | "arrow-forward" | "arrow-start" | "arrow-up" | "arrow-up-right" | "bell" | "calendar" | "camera" | "camera-roll" | "cancel" | "canonical-pin" | "color-picker" | "check" | "check-circle" | "circle-outline" | "clear" | "clock" | "code" | "cog" | "compass" | "compose" | "crop" | "dash" | "conversion-tag" | "credit-card" | "directional-arrow-left" | "directional-arrow-right" | "download" | "drag-drop" | "duplicate" | "edit" | "ellipsis" | "ellipsis-circle-outline" | "envelope" | "eye" | "eye-hide" | "facebook" | "face-happy" | "face-sad" | "face-smiley" | "file-unknown" | "fill-opaque" | "fill-transparent" | "filter" | "flag" | "flash" | "flashlight" | "flipHorizontal" | "flipVertical" | "folder" | "gif" | "globe" | "globe-checked" | "gmail" | "google-plus" | "graph-bar" | "handle" | "hand-pointing" | "heart" | "heart-outline" | "heart-broken" | "history" | "idea-pin" | "impressum" | "info-circle" | "key" | "knoop" | "lightbulb" | "lightning-bolt-circle" | "link" | "location" | "lock" | "logo-large" | "logo-small" | "logout" | "margins-large" | "margins-medium" | "margins-small" | "maximize" | "megaphone" | "menu" | "minimize" | "move" | "mute" | "overlay-text" | "pause" | "people" | "person" | "person-add" | "phone" | "pin" | "pin-hide" | "pinterest" | "play" | "protect" | "refresh" | "question-mark" | "remove" | "reorder-images" | "replace" | "report" | "rotate" | "scale" | "search" | "security" | "shopping-bag" | "smiley" | "smiley-outline" | "send" | "share" | "sound" | "sort-ascending" | "sort-descending" | "sparkle" | "speech" | "speech-ellipsis" | "star" | "star-half" | "switch-account" | "tag" | "terms" | "text-align-left" | "text-align-center" | "text-align-right" | "text-all-caps" | "text-extra-small" | "text-large" | "text-line-height" | "text-medium" | "text-sentence-case" | "text-size" | "text-small" | "text-spacing" | "trash-can" | "twitter" | "video-camera" | "view-type-default" | "view-type-dense" | "view-type-list" | "visit" | "workflow-status-all" | "workflow-status-canceled" | "workflow-status-halted" | "workflow-status-in-progress" | "workflow-status-ok" | "workflow-status-problem" | "workflow-status-unstarted" | "workflow-status-warning"

SVG icon from the Gestalt icon library to use within Icon..

See the iconography and SVG guidelines to explore the Gestalt icon library.


Properly positions Icon relative to an inline element, such as Text using the inline property.

number | string

Use a number for pixel sizes or a string for percentage based sizes.

See the size variant to learn more.

Usage guidelines

When to Use
  • As symbolic communication for elements that do not have room for text, like the number of pins in a carousel. In this case, ensure the icon choice is easily recognizable and makes sense to international users.
  • To convey a critical meaning that cannot be communicated with words, like a downward chevron in a Button to indicate it reveals a menu.
  • To help with quick scanning by adding rhythm and hierarchy to the design.
When Not to Use
  • For purposes that are decorative or for visual embellishment, such as how illustrations are typically used. Contact us if this is needed.
  • As a visual reinforcement for associated text, without adding new meaning.
  • To communicate status or health. Use Status instead.
  • As an interactive element (e.g., utilizing hover, focus, click/tap). Use IconButton instead.

Best practices


Use icons intentionally, ensuring the Icon choice is easily recognizable and makes sense in the context.


Repurpose icons. Using icons for their intended meaning supports good comprehension.


Pair text and icons when possible to provide better clarity.


Don't create interactive Icons using TapArea. Use IconButton instead.


Icons are a great way to help users who have difficulties with reading, focus attention, and low vision impairments.

ARIA attributes

If the icon appears without text, the Icon requires accessibilityLabel, a text description for screen readers to announce and communicate the represented Icon, as shown in the first example.

Avoid using the generic words like "image" or "icon"; instead, use verbs that describe the meaning of the icon, for example: “pins".

If an icon has a visible label that describes what the icon represents, accessibilityLabel can be an empty string, as shown in the second example.

Legibility and touch area

Ensure that icons use a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 between icon color and background color.


Be sure to localize accessibilityLabel.


Primary-color combinations



These are the guidelines for icon sizes (in px):

  1. 12
    Used sparingly in tight spaces. When possible, use a text label next to the icon, as it can be hard to see for visually impaired people.
  2. 14
    Used often following body text content any time an icon is needed.
  3. 16
    Used often any time an icon is needed. Default icon size.
  4. 24
    Used frequently any time an icon is needed.
  5. 32
    Used occasionally, on more dense UI.
  6. 32+
    Should be used sparingly and only in places where the UI is very dense and a larger icon is required.

Custom icon

Icon accepts both Gestalt icons and custom icons, as shown in the second example. For custom icons, follow the iconography and SVG guidelines.



Use a descriptive label to describe the Icon

  • Be succinct. Exclude unnecessary words.
  • Be informative and accurate
  • Write in the active voice
  • Avoid technical jargon
  • Use the words "image" or "icon" in the description label; instead, use words that indicate the purpose of the icon.

Use IconButton when only an icon is needed to represent an action instead of text.

Use Button to allow users to take an action.