Tooltip is a floating text label that succinctly describes the function of an interactive element, typically Icon Button. It’s displayed continuously as long as the user hovers over or focuses on the element.


Component props

The anchor element, usually Icon Button, that triggers Tooltip on hover or focus.


The text shown in Tooltip to describe its anchor element. See localization to learn more.


Label to provide more context around the Tooltip’s function or purpose. By default text is used but this prop allows you to override it. Should only be used in very rare cases

"up" | "right" | "down" | "left"

Specifies the preferred position of Tooltip relative to its anchor element. See the ideal direction variant to learn more.


Properly positions Tooltip relative to an inline element, such as Icon Button using the inline property. See the inline variant to learn more.


Displays a link at the bottom of Tooltip. See the link variant to learn more.


Specifies the stacking order of Tooltip along the z-axis in the current stacking context. See the z-index variant to learn more.

Usage guidelines

When to Use
  • Providing helpful, but non-essential context to a UI element.
  • Enhancing a baseline understanding of an element or feature.
When Not to Use
  • Displaying information that is critical to the understanding of an element/feature. Use inline text instead.
  • Offering context at the surface-level scope. Consider a Callout instead.

Best practices


Use Tooltip to describe the function of an interactive element, typically Icon Button, in as few words as possible.


Use Tooltip to restate text already visible on screen.


Use Tooltip to distinguish related actions with visually similar iconography.


Use Tooltip to communicate critical information, such as an error, instructions for performing a task or interaction feedback.


Use Tooltip to add supplementary information about a feature, typically paired with an info-circle IconButton.


Pair Tooltip with a disabled element. See disabled elements to learn more.



When using Tooltip with IconButton, avoid repetitive labeling. The accessibilityLabel provided to IconButton should describe the intent of the button, not the icon itself. For instance, use “Settings” instead of “Cog icon”. Tooltip text can expand upon that intention, as seen with the cog IconButton. If Tooltip text and IconButton accessibilityLabel contain the same content, pass an empty string to accessibilityLabel, as seen with the send IconButton.

Disabled elements

Tooltips must be paired with an interactive, focusable element, like Button or IconButton. They cannot be paired with anything disabled or static, because this prevents keyboard users from triggering Tooltip and consuming its content. To test if you’re using Tooltip properly, use your keyboard rather than your mouse to trigger Tooltip.

If you need to explain why an item is disabled, consider adding plain Text near the disabled item, or an info-circle IconButton adjacent to the disabled element.


Be sure to localize the text and accessibilityLabel props. Note that localization can lengthen text by 20 to 30 percent.


Ideal direction

Pass in idealDirection to specify the preferred position of Tooltip relative to its anchor element. The default direction is "down", which should be used in most cases. The actual position may change given the available space around the anchor element.


Use inline to properly position Tooltip relative to an inline element, such as an Icon Button

Pass in link to display a link at the bottom of Tooltip.

⚠️ Note: this feature will soon be deprecated, as it is not accessible. Please do not use it in new designs or features.


Tooltip has Layer built in, allowing it to overlay surrounding content. Use zIndex to specify the stacking order of Tooltip along the z-axis in the current stacking context. The example below shows FixedZIndex used in Modal and CompositeZIndex to layer Tooltip on top.

Within scrolling containers

ScrollBoundaryContainer is needed for proper positioning when Tooltip is anchored to an element that is located within a scrolling container. The use of ScrollBoundaryContainer ensures Tooltip remains attached to its anchor when scrolling.


  • Describe only the element that triggers Tooltip.
  • Focus on the action by beginning with a verb.
  • Use succinct and scannable language.
  • As much as possible, limit Tooltip's text to a maximum of 60 to 75 characters.
  • Use sentence case while always capitalizing the word “Pin.”
  • Describe elements other than the one that triggers Tooltip.
  • Use Tooltip to restate text already visible on screen.
  • Use Tooltip to communicate critical information, such as an error, instructions for performing a task, or interaction feedback.

Popover displays a lightweight task related to the content on screen. One example of Popover is the board picker, which allows people to choose the board to save a Pin to. While Tooltips are purely text-based, Popovers offer broader content options, such as Buttons and Images.

ScrollBoundaryContainer is needed for proper positioning when Tooltip is anchored to an element that is located within a scrolling container. The use of ScrollBoundaryContainer ensures Tooltip remains attached to its anchor when scrolling. See the within scrolling containers variant to learn more.

Toast provides feedback on an interaction. One example of Toast is the confirmation that appears when a Pin has been saved. Toasts appear at the bottom of a desktop screen or top of a mobile screen, instead of being attached to any particular element on the interface.