| | |
| Accessibility label for the fullscreen maximize button if controls are shown
| |
| | |
| Accessibility label for the fullscreen minimize button if controls are shown
| |
| | |
| Accessibility label for the mute button if controls are shown
| |
| | |
| Accessibility label for the pause button if controls are shown
| |
| | |
| Accessibility label for the play button if controls are shown
| |
| | |
| Accessibility label for progress bar
| |
| | |
| Accessibility label for the unmute button if controls are shown
| |
| | |
| Proportional relationship between width and height of the video, calculated as width / height.
| |
| | |
| The URL of the captions track for the video (.vtt file)
| |
| | |
| Specifies the speed at which the video plays: 1 for normal
| |
| | |
| Specifies whether the video should play or not
| |
| "auto" | "metadata" | "none"
| |
| Specifies how, if any, the video should be loaded when the page loads
| |
| string | Array<{| type: "video/m3u8" | "video/mp4" | "video/ogg, src: string |}>
| |
| The URL of the video file to play. This can also be supplied as a list of video types to respective video source urls in fallback order for support on various browsers.
| |
| | |
| Specifies the volume of the video audio: 0 for muted, 1 for max
| |
| | |
| Background color used to fill the video's placeholder
| |
| | |
| This children prop is not same as children inside the native html video element. Instead it serves to add overlays on top of the html video element, while still being under the video controls.
| |
| | |
| Show the video player controls
| |
| "use-credentials" | "anonymous"
| |
| Designate CORS behavior for the video element. When not passed in, CORS checks are disabled.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| The video will start playing over again when finished
| |
| "fill" | "contain" | "cover" | "none" | "scale-down"
| |
| Sets how the content of the replaced <video> element should be resized to fit its container
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement>, duration: number }) => void
| |
| Sent when the metadata has loaded or changed, indicating a change in duration
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when playback of the video completes
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when an error occurs
| |
| ({ event: Event, fullscreen: boolean }) => void
| |
| Sent when the video full screen status changes
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement>, loaded: number }) => void
| |
| Sent when progress happens on downloading the media
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when the media has started to load
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLDivElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when playback is paused
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLDivElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when playback of the media starts after having been paused
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLDivElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when mouse down event occurs on playhead
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLDivElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when mouse up event occurs on playhead
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when playback of the media is ready to start after having been paused
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when video is loaded and ready to play.
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when a seek operation completes from the playhead
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when a seek operation begins
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when trying to fetch data but the data is unexpectedly not forthcoming
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement>, time: number }) => void
| |
| Sent when the time indicated by the element's currentTime attribute has changed
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLDivElement>, volume: number }) => void
| |
| Sent when the audio volume changes
| |
| ({ event: SyntheticEvent<HTMLVideoElement> }) => void
| |
| Sent when playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data
| |
| | |
| Serves as a hint to the user agent that the video should to be displayed "inline" in the document by default, constrained to the element's playback area, instead of being displayed fullscreen or in an independent resizable window. This attribute is mainly relevant to iOS Safari browsers
| |
| | |
| The image to show while the video is downloading
| |